How to structure and redirect your website?


For a one-page website, it's best to use the "Scroll To" action. This allows you to edit the header and footer tabs so that when visitors click on them, the page automatically scrolls to the desired location within the page. To edit the action for a link or button, simply click on it and choose from actions such as scroll to, open link, mail to, or call in the settings.


If you have a multi-page website and want visitors to navigate to a new page when clicking on header or footer tabs (e.g., clicking on the "About" tab directs them to an "About" page), use the "Open Link" action. First, create the target page and set its URL in the page editor. Then, in the link settings of the header tab, select the "Open Link" action and enter the URL of the target page. This will link your pages together.

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