How can you secure your unique domain for free with


In, you can secure your unique domain name at no extra cost. This allows you to have a distinctive web address that reflects your brand or business without any additional expenses.

How to Claim Your Domain

To claim your domain, navigate to the “settings” on the left-hand side menu. Then, select "Branding." In the branding settings, locate the "Website Domain" section and enter the domain name you wish to claim. Keep in mind that all domains will end with

💡 If the domain you've chosen is already claimed by another user, you'll need to select a different domain for your website.

How to Change Your Domain

To change your domain, revisit the same settings where you claimed your domain initially. Enter your new desired domain name and click the "Change Domain" button.

💡 Changing the domain will alter your published website URL. If changed, your website URL will reflect this update.


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