How to add and manage items in header, feature, review, and footer blocks?


In the website builder, blocks like headers, features, reviews, and footers consist of multiple items that you can add or remove.

Header Blocks:

Items refer to the tabs or sections in the header. For example, in the "hero one" header, tabs like "about," "services," and "contact" are default items. If you want to add a tab for "gallery," you would add an item, which represents the new tab.

Feature Blocks:

Items are sections within the block. In "service 1," there are four service sections by default, each containing an icon, title, and description. Adding an item means adding another service section with the same design.

Review Blocks:

Each block, like "review 1," contains default sections for customer reviews. Adding an item means adding another review section with the same style as the existing ones.

Footer Blocks:

Similar to the header, items in the footer refer to tabs or sections. Adding an item means adding a new tab or section.

To add an item, select the block you want to modify. The right sidebar will display the block's settings, including an "add item" button at the top. Clicking this button will add a new item for you to edit.


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