How to edit the set of a exercise to warm up or drop set?


When working out, sometimes you'll use a set as a warm-up, and other times you might do drop sets. These variations can make your workout plan clearer and more effective for you and your clients. Here's how to set them up:

Warm-up Sets:

  • Go to the workout builder and find the set number box.
  • Click on it, and a window will appear with three options: regular, warm-up, and drop set.
  • Selecting the warm-up option will change the set number to 'W' for warm-up.

Drop Sets:

  • Go to the workout builder and find the set number box.
  • Click on it, and a window will appear with three options: regular, warm-up, and drop set.
  • Choosing the drop set option will show two sets for your exercise, labeled 'D1' and 'D2' for drop sets one and two.
  • At the line for drop set two, you'll see 'Add' and 'Delete' buttons. Clicking 'Add' will create a new drop set labeled 'D3'.


đź’ˇ The set option window will only pop up when you hover your cursor over the ' D1 ' dropset.

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