What encompasses required info, basic info, and additional info in the intake form builder?
When using the Intake Form Builder, navigate to the left menu selection bar to choose questions to add to your form. The selection includes three types of questions.
a) Required Info
Required info, name and email, is included in the builder by default. It's mandatory and cannot be edited or removed.

b) Basic Info
Basic info encompasses gender, birthday, phone, address, timezone, avatar, emergency contact, fitness goals, and training preferences. These questions are set by default and cannot be edited, but you can choose to include them or not. After a client submits a form, if there are basic info questions included, clicking "Add client" uses the corresponding basic info answers to create the client profile, displayed on the client management page.
💡 Even though required and basic infos questions content cannot be edited, When you click “
c) Additional Info
There are two types of additional info questions: preset and non-preset.
i) Preset
Preset questions have titles and content pre-set by cocast.fit to save you time when editing questions. Designed by fitness professionals, these questions are commonly included in client application forms. When you add preset questions, the content of the corresponding question is displayed. You can choose to edit the content or leave it as is if the preset content is suitable.
ii) Non-preset
As the name suggests, no content is pre-set for these questions. When choosing "additional fields," you have the freedom to write any type of questions you want to include.
đź’ˇ Anything framed with a dotted grey line upon cursor hover can be edited; otherwise, it serves as a display to show how the question looks.
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