How to make edits of the forms?


To access intake forms and check-ins, go to the forms tab under the respective feature page. In the list view, click the "..." button at the end of each form and select "edit" from the options window. Here, you can also choose to "copy link," "open link," "close/reopen form," "duplicate," or "delete." In the card view, the "copy link" and "open link" options are located at the top right of each form card. Click the "..." button on the card to access options such as "close/reopen form," "edit," "duplicate," and "delete."

For agreements and questionnaires, go to the feature page. The operations are similar to those for intake forms and check-ins.



đź’ˇ Simply click on the form you want to edit, it will take you to the form builder regardless of card view or list view you are in.

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