What’s program compliance? How is it calculated?
Program compliance refers to the data that tracks the level of a client's adherence to the training plan within the program. Program compliance calculations commence once a program has been assigned to a client.

The outcome of program compliance is displayed in the client's dashboard. The calculation of program compliance occurs when the status of a scheduled workout, included in an assigned program for a client, changes to "finished." The calculation of program compliance is based on the formula: finished workouts divided by programmed workouts.

đź’ˇ The day on which the planned workout is completed does not impact the program compliance result. As long as the workouts are completed within a designated timeframe, they will be factored into the calculation. For instance, if a program's planned workouts are scheduled for day 1 and day 2, and these workouts are completed on Wednesday and Thursday rather than the originally planned Monday and Tuesday, they will still contribute to the program compliance for that week.
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